Wafiuddin Suhairi. Product & Operations.

Wafiuddin Suhairi. Product & Operations.

Wafiuddin Suhairi. Product & Operations.

Modern PM Stack


I built ModernPMStack because I kept running into the same problem: there’s so much information out there for Product Managers, but finding the right resources, ones that are practical, insightful, and unbiased was super difficult to discover.

So, I decided to fix that. ModernPMStack is a weekly newsletter and curated resource hub designed to cut through the noise. Every week, it delivers a handpicked selection of articles, books, podcasts, communities, and tools - all chosen with intention and care.

Truthfully, when I built the platform - there wasn’t a scientific formula behind how I picked the resources (aside from sponsorships, of course). It comes down to years of consuming content. After a while, you just know when something is worth sharing. You know when a podcast episode hits differently or when an article offers insights that actually stick with you.

My contribution

Web Development
Content Research
Sponsorship Sales
Email Marketing

The team

Sole Executor



Revenue Generation

Revenue for the platform primarily came from sponsorship deals. Instead of bombarding the newsletter with generic ads, I focused on aligning with brands and tools that genuinely resonate with Product Managers. Sponsorship slots were integrated seamlessly into the content, ensuring they felt natural, valuable, and non-intrusive.

Sponsors can secure placements through:

  • Site Sponsorship: Prominent visibility across the ModernPMStack website, ensuring maximum exposure.

  • Newsletter Sponsorship: Dedicated sections in weekly emails, spotlighting products or services directly to subscribers.

Attracting Sponsors

When pitching to sponsors, I don’t shy away from sharing the numbers - they’re the clearest proof of value. ModernPMStack consistently hits solid engagement metrics:

  • Subscriber Count: 2,000+ highly engaged readers

  • Open Rate: 50% average

  • Click-Through Rate: 18% average CTR

  • Audience Profile: Product Managers, Product Owners, and Heads of Product across tech, SaaS, and startups.

  • Geography: Predominantly North America, Europe, and APAC.


Building & growing ModernPMStack was such a fulfilling project - curating resources, connecting with an engaged audience, and watching the newsletter grow week by week felt genuinely rewarding. It taught me so much about research, consistency, and building something people actually find valuable.

But passion projects aren’t free, and eventually, the costs (both time and financial) started to outweigh what I could realistically sustain. So, I made the tough call to discontinue it.

Still, I’m proud of what I built, and the lessons I’ve gained will stick with me for whatever comes next.